Firmware Updates

Firmware Updates

ZyPerMX2 / MX4 Firmware
Download ZyPerMX2/MX4 Firmware Here
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
New Features:
- Update to PHP 8.3.0
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found Firefox, Edge, and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing your browser cache or install and use Chrome.
Download ZyPerMX2/MX4 Firmware Here
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
Resolved Issues:
- Update to PHP 8.1.13
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Download ZyPerMX2/MX4 Firmware Here
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
Resolved Issues:
- Update to PHP 8.0.14
- Changed Device name field to only accept alphanumeric, "_" and "-"
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Security Update: No ZeeVee products are susceptible to the recently identified log4j vulnerability. This includes all ZvPro, HDbridge, and ZyPer models.
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
Resolved Issues:
- Minor release that addresses an issue unique to ZvPro/HDb2000 models' front panel. We have updated this firmware to keep the releases consistent
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
Resolved Issues:
- Restore button (Device tab) remains grayed out when file is selected
- Garbled closed captions on IP streaming
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
New Features:
- Update to PHP 8.0.3
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
New Features:
- RTMP streaming to YouTube, Facebook, and similar platforms
- RTSP streaming
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
Various bug fixes including:
- Upgrade PHP to 7.4.9
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
New Features:
- Support for https via Maestro
- Prevent malicious file upload
- Add HTTP header to prevent click-jacking
Various bug fixes including:
- Fixed issue where ZyperMX2/MX4 – “loading Linux” message displayed during boot if DNS is unreachable
- Improved HDMI video detection after source video is restarted or lost
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
New Features:
- PHP Update to rev 7.3.6
- 3KHVM4i, 3KHXM4i, ZyPerMX4/2 EDID to include 50Hz resolutions
- Telnet access disabled on Control Module, 3KHVM4I, 3KHXM4I, ZyPerMX4 and ZyPerMX2
Various bug fixes including:
- Various Maestro fixes including but not limited to using the set all function for RF and channel number, correction to the preferred EDID list
- AAC audio and closed captions now supported together
- Improved stability on ZyPerMX4/2 and 3KHVM4i, 3KHXM4i when AAC and AC3 audio are input or selected
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXENC2 - ZyPerMX2
- ZMXEN2-HLS - ZyPerMX2-100
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
New Features:
- RTMP Transport type for streaming to Wowza servers
- Combined Multicast and HLS streams
- Closed Caption information supported
- Preferred EDID option added ( 720p60, 1080p30, 1080p60)
Various bug fixes including:
- PHP updated to version 5.6.37
- Updates to the look and feel of Maestro including column spacing
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Download ZyPerMX4 Firmware Here
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
- ZMXEN4-HLS - ZyPerMX4-100
New Features:
- Initial release of the ZyPerMX4-100
- Feature Code capability for licensing 100 HLS streams
- AAC Audio output
- 24/25/50 FPS Support
- Updated logo in Maestro
Various bug fixes including:
- MAC Address is now displayed on network tab
- Stream URL now shows https when SSL is enabled
- Reset to defaults, resets both primary and secondary IPs
Outstanding issues:
- Some functions not yet supported, including:
- Closed Captions
- EAS Alerts
- Watermarking
- Custom Idle Screens
- Audio and Video Delays
- Test Images
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Release Notes
Supported platforms:
- ZMXENC4 - ZyPerMX4
New Features:
- Quad Port H.264 Encoder
- IP streaming UDP/RTP multicast or HLS out
- Support for encrypted and SSL streams when outputting HLS
- Simultaneous high and low bitrate HLS output streams
Various bug fixes including:
- Initial release
Outstanding issues:
- Some features are not supported on the initial release
- Some examples include: Closed captions, delay matched audio, EAS, custom idle screen
Please note: Chrome is the only formally supported browser for use with Maestro. We have found FireFox, Edge and Safari will continue to work, but often require the cache to be cleared when moving between ZeeVee products with older firmware. Internet Explorer is not supported. If you have issues with Maestro loading properly, or fields not displaying, please try clearing cache or install and use Chrome.
Installing the new firmware:
Updating your firmware is a three-step process:
1. Find and download the firmware image file to your computer.
2. From the Maestro web interface go to the device tab and click the update button under firmware.
3. Follow prompts to browse to and select the file you just downloaded.