
Firmware Updates



Firmware Updates




Download STBi3 Firmware Here

Supported Platforms: STBi3

New Commands

  • User Idle image
    User Idle image – User can upload an image file in either png or jpg format. This image file will be displayed when a channel cannot be played. The current behavior is to display the message “Channel Not Available” along with the channel attributes
    loadidleimage=http://ip-of-file-server/image.jpg Uploads idle image file
    deleteidleimage Deletes idle image file
  • User Media file
    User media file channel – User can upload a media file of 2 GB max. A channel guide entry will be automatically created. The default channel number is “9999”. The channel number can be specified in the upload command. The “deletemediafile” command will also delete the channel guide entry.”

    loadmediafile=http://ip-of-file-server/mediafile[&channel=num] Uploads User Media file, optionally assigns channel number
    deletemediafile Deletes User Media file

  • Feature description
    Server based http media file playback
    Channel xml file example:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <ZVIP type="guide" devname="deviceName" devip="deviceIp">
  • Issues Resolved

Download STBi3 Firmware Here

Supported Platform: STBi3

New Features:

  • New “SET PASSWORD” option in the settings menu
  • To unset do a submit with a blank password
  • Password is 6-12 characters.  Alphanumeric plus the characters “@#$%”.
  • From the browser enter the command directly:
  • From curl you have to enclose the command part in quotes.  Otherwise, curl drops the part after the ‘&’.
  • curl”firmwareupdate=”

Issues Resolved

  • n/a

Download STBi3 Firmware Here

Supported Platform: STBi3

New Features:

    • RF channel remap feature
      • New menu item added to the On Screen User Interface ‘RF Channels Remap’
        • Can upload a .json formatted file via USB or webserver.
        • New Web Management commands
        • New ability to use a curl command to upload a local RF Channels Remap file and IP Channel file without the need of a webserver
    • New Help command to return a listing of the Web Management commands.
    • New web management commands
        • http://:8080/help Brings up a list of Web Management Commands
        • http://:8080/RFRemap=http://[ip-of-file-server]/[rf-reamp.json] Uploads the RF channel number remap file from a local webserver
        • curl -H ‘Expect: 100-continue’ -X POST --data-binary @/rfremap.json http://:8080/rfremap Uploads the RF channel number remap file from a local filesystem>
        • curl -H ‘Expect: 100-continue’ -X POST --data-binary @/ http://:8080/loadchannels Uploads the IP Channel List file from a local filesystem
        • http://:8080/eraseRFRemap Erases the RF channel number remap file and reboots the STBi3
        • http://:8080/doRFScan Initiate a QAM Cable RF channel scan
    • Update for CEC power off on some Samsung TVs
    • ADB disabled to limit error messages
    • Text changed from “No Signal” to “Channel Not Available”

Supported Platform: STBi3

New Features:

    • Synced Video Playback
    • MJPG playing ability from ZyperMX4/2 and 3KHVM4I/3KHXM4I
    • WiFi enabled for web management and Unicast streams. (MJPG)
    • New web management commands
      • channelup/channeldown
      • erasechannels
      • firmwareUpdate= http://<webServerAddr>/<path to apk file>
      • loadchannels= http://<webServerAddr>/<path to xml file>
      • mute/unmute
      • reboot

Installing the new firmware:

1. Download the firmware to a USB drive.

2. Insert USB drive into slot in the STBi3.

3. Press the Menu button on the remote.

4. Navigate to gear icon on the bottom right-hand corner of the page and click OK on the remote.

5. Scroll down to UPDATE SYSTEM.

6. Select LOCAL UPDATE and press OK on the remote.

7. Select the update file from the list and press OK on the remote.

8. The STBi3 will restart once the update is completed.

Alternate option - With firmware 3.0.3, the update can also be started remotely with the command string:

Alternate option - Using firmware 3.0.3 or newer, the update can also be started remotely with the command string: http://ip_address:8080/firmwareUpdate=zvserver. 



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