Newsletter Article – Southeast Asian Outlook – April, 2022

Southeast Asian Outlook: ZeeVee Ready to Meet Growing Demand


April 2022

 The COVID-19 pandemic has severely disrupted economic activity in the ASEAN region for the last 2 years, with many businesses struggling to stay afloat while facing a sharp fall in customer demand and supply chain disruptions. With slow but effective COVID-19 vaccination and control strategies, ASEAN countries are starting to emerge from lockdown in 2022, with the governments trying to jumpstart their economies to bring in much-needed revenue.

2022 continues to be a challenging year for the ASEAN Pro AV market. While many projects that were postponed during the pandemic have been re-ignited, a new problem emerged with the global chip shortage. Initially thought to affect only certain industries, like automotive, it has spread to others including consumer electronics, networking and unfortunately, pro AV as well. Although many equipment manufacturers are now quoting up to nine months delivery lead time for some of their equipment, I am glad to say that ZeeVee has been taking a proactive approach in inventory planning and securing our supply chain of chips and components. This has allowed us to meet our customer orders globally without major issues so far.

On the technology side, AVoIP is still a relatively new concept to many customers and integrators in the ASEAN market. Many integrators are reluctant to propose AVoIP to their customers and this can largely be due to a lack of understanding of the technology. Understanding AVoIP requires a mindset change. Integrators should look beyond the standalone room and understand the power and flexibility that AVoIP can offer over traditional matrices—such as cost savings, especially when responding to changing space requirements like room combining and broadcasting to overflow spaces.

ZeeVee has been putting a great deal of effort into educating and training our partner integrators to gain a better understanding of AVoIP concepts and solution design considerations. These efforts have seen our SDVoE and AVoIP products being selected for multiple enterprise and government projects across Asia as more customers start to appreciate the flexibility of AVoIP and ZeeVee’s advanced technology and deployment architecture.

To meet the growing demand, as countries start to open up from the pandemic, ZeeVee is ready to offer our comprehensive lineup of AVoIP products covering both compressed (JPEG2000) and uncompressed (SDVoE) solutions. This includes our latest additions to the ZyPer4K (SDVoE) family, the ZyPer4K-XS and ZyPer4K-XR. Both products retain the perfect video quality that our ZyPer4K products are well known for, but with the best price/performance ratio in the industry. Contact us if you need more information about these products by dropping me a note at [email protected] or visiting us to say “hi” at this year’s InfoComm Southeast Asia show, booth Z11, happening live and in-person from 2 – 4 November 2022 at the Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Centre (BITEC).

Lastly, we thank all our integrators for selecting ZeeVee as their preferred signal distribution solution provider. Due to your ongoing trust and faith in our team, we will be expanding our local technical support this year to provide you with an even better experience. 2022 is shaping up to be a rebuilding and growth year; count on us for advice, support and the best suite of signal distribution technologies to solve your clients’ needs.


Ricky Tan
Regional Sales Manager
Southeast Asia & Taiwan