Newsletter: SDVoE Founder’s Notes
January, 2023
ZeeVee: The most experienced, deployed and advanced manufacturer of SDVoE products
As we’ve discussed on many occasions, ZeeVee is a SDVoE Alliance founder which means we have been around for the beginning and the ongoing evolution of the IP-based AV signal distribution technology. However, and as many as you are aware, we actually conducted our first installation of this technology before it was even called SDVoE back in 2015!
What you may not be as familiar with are the many specific benefits our implementation of SDVoE in our ZyPer Management Platform (ZMP) API offers integrators and end-users – far beyond compatibility with the ever-expanding universe of AV products. This powerful, yet easy to use API, was designed entirely in-house and honed over eight-plus years of our practical experience in meeting the needs of the marketplace for the creation of large and complex AV system deployments.
SDVoE boasts many high-performance features, however, there are constraints specific to each feature that can limit how they interact with each other. Our ZMP API maximizes the performance of these features and ensures they work together properly. Here is a half dozen of the noteworthy advantages of our ZMP API compared to other manufacturers’ control solutions for SDVoE-driven AV systems.
- Seamless Creation of Complex Video Walls: The ZMP treats video walls as one display, enabling any encoder to be connected to a video wall as if it were a single device. In a similar vein, multiviews are treated as a single encoder, meaning that any multiview can be connected to one or more decoders. In addition, we worked with SDVoE on sophisticated multiview features from the start to produce a solid and reliable means to bypass complications stemming from window size, bandwidth and input video format limitations. For example, we’ve enabled users to change a window size or position with minimal pause on decoder displays.
- Comprehensive EDID Management: The API includes an “Auto-EDID” default mode with a smart decision process that considers the encoder source, connection type and all connected decoders and displays. There are also 48 built-in EDIDs that allow explicit control of resolution and audio, as well as color depth, encoding and space. Users may also create their one EDIDs or save them from a decoder and load them to an encoder. Doing this will not only save the binary file, but also a fully decoded text file.
- Extensive Status, Warning and Error Reporting: Connection status indicators tell whether video is present on a display or gives clear indication that it is not and why. In addition, status notifications include full details of HDMI input or output with active detailed timing, including preferred and maximum timings and data rates of all streams that are active.
- AV System Extensibility: While the ZMP API command set is designed to provide a superior API for SDVoE functionality, its overall design is intended to allow growth both within the SDVoE universe as well as with other system components. Any user of the API can query each device to determine exactly what features are supported for hardware types (e.g. HDMI, DisplayPort, ZyPer4K, ZyPerUHD) and firmware versions. It offers a very elegant and easy-to-use way to interface with SDVoE’s recently released support of preview streams and multiview text overlay.
- Enhanced Network Connectivity: The ZMP always has a link-local address installed—an innovation that is needed for devices that do not have assigned IP addresses. Network discovery is offered for both Apple (Avahi/Bonjour) and Windows (UPnP).
- Reliability: The ZMP supports full master-slave redundance with virtual-IP addressing. All permanent storage is maintained in the industry standard MariaDB SQL database.
For these reasons and more, ZeeVee is widely regarded as the most experienced, deployed and advanced manufacturer of SDVoE products. For a full exploration of all the ZeeVee ZyPer Management Platform brings to the SDVoE signal distribution solution, please contact your ZeeVee rep or [email protected].