Avixa – Webinar

FL, United States

How Today's Museums Engage Audiences with State-of-the-art AV WHAT:Museums, long sources of education and entertainment for people of all ages, have found it necessary to update their approach to engage…

Arista – Webinar

FL, United States

How to IP your AV with Arista Networks and ZeeVee! WHAT:A technical discussion with Robert Welch, Technical Solutions Lead for Arista and Steve Metzger, Founder & Vice President Engineering for…

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee’s Webinar Series) – Episode 4

FL, United States

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee’s Webinar Series) Episode 4: Wireless AV Transmission with ZVconnect What:Art Weeks, Director of Product Management and Joe Chordas, VP, Marketing and North American Sales for ZeeVee,…

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee’s Webinar Series) – Episode 5

FL, United States

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee's Webinar Series) Episode 5 - Why Network Cabling Matters for Your AV over IP Applications What:Why Network Cabling Matters for Your AV over IP ApplicationsWhen:Wednesday, December 15, 2020Time:10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (EST)Who:Presenters will be Dave Valentukonis, Technical Services Group Leader - North America from The Siemon Company and Art Weeks,…

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee’s Webinar Series) – Episode 7

FL, United States

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee's Webinar Series) Episode 7: 2020 Customer Wins with ZeeVee's sales leaders on both sides of the Atlantic What:2020 Customer Wins with ZeeVee's sales leaders on both sides of the AtlanticWhen:Tuesday, January 26, 2021Time:10:00AM EST (3:00PM GMT) - start11:15AM EST (4:15PM GMT) - endWho:Charlie Sullivan, UK & Ireland Business Development ManagerJames Chordas,…

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee’s Webinar Series) – Episode 8

FL, United States

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions (ZeeVee's Webinar Series) Episode 8: The PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE of RF Encoders/Modulators with ZeeVee Founder Steve Metzger What:The PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE of RF Encoders & Modulators with ZeeVee Founder Steve MetzgerWhen:Tuesday, February 2, 2021Time:10:00AM EST (3:00PM GMT) - start11:15AM EST (4:15PM GMT) - endWho:Steve Metzger, Founder & VP Hardware EngineeringArt…

ISE Europe 2021

FL, United States

ZeeVee looks forward to demonstrating our newest AV over IP ZyPer4K (SDVoE/uncompressed 4K) and ZyPerUHD (JPEG2000/compressed 4K) encoders and decoders as well as our multifaceted industry leading ZyPer Management Platform.…

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions – Episode 10 – ZYPER4K-XS – ZeeVee’s New Encoders and Decoders

FL, United States

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions Episode 10 - ZYPER4K-XS - ZeeVee's New Encoders and Decoders AND The Hottest Features of the new ZyPer Management Platform WHERE:Virtual Event via Zoom Meeting Registration AGENDA During SIGNAL Sessions Episode 10, Art and Joe will review ZeeVee's new Encoders and Decoders, ZyPer4K-XS, along with the many enhancements found in the NEW…

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions – Episode 11: Video over IP and Your Network Cabling

FL, United States

ZeeVee SIGNAL Sessions Episode 11 - Video over IP and Your Network Cabling: Secrets to Smooth Integration WHERE:Virtual Event via Zoom Meeting Registration AGENDA Siemon and leading AV over IP expert ZeeVee recently joined forces for an extensive testing program to demonstrate the capability of range of network cabling infrastructures and media types to support…

InfoComm 2021

FL, United States

ZeeVee At WHO:ZeeVee North American sales team and senior managersWHAT:InfoComm 2021WHEN:Conference: October 23-29Exhibits: October 27-29 WHERE:Orange County Convention Center9800 International DriveOrlando, FL 32819Booth 1401 (West Concourse)Guest/VIP Pass Code ZEE224TIME:Exhibits:Wednesday, October 27: 9:00 - 6:00 EDT (GMT +5)Thursday, October 28: 9:00 - 6:00 EDT (GMT +5)Friday, October 29: 9:00 - 4:00 EDT (GMT +5) Register Now AGENDA…


FL, United States

NACE EVOLVE is an annual in-depth training and networking event for L&I and Commercial DIRECTV dealers, installers, integrators, system operators, and video surveillance dealers   WHO: ZeeVee North American sales team and senior managers WHAT: NACE EVOLVE 2022 WHEN: Conference: February 28 - March 3 WHERE: Treasure Island HotelLas Vegas TIME: Monday: 1:00 pm -…