Newsletter – June 2020

Roughly three months in, the reality that Covid-19 will be with us for a time has started to sink in. It’s a tough situation that is making everyone in our business scramble to find new ways and approaches to weather the storm when ordering and selling goods, as well as planning AV integration projects.

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Newsletter – May 2020

Here at ZeeVee, we speak often about how we can enhance our connection with channel partners. Following on the positive and enthusiastic feedback we’ve received for this newsletter, we are set to produce a new series of webinars for our partners and current and potential customers.

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Newsletter – April 2020

These are trying times as COVID-19 (coronavirus) has become a major concern impacting many aspects of our daily lives. But, like all of you, we are finding ways to push through and do our work with limited disruptions, while keeping our employees as safe as possible.

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Newsletter – March 2020

The challenges to ISE 2020 were well-documented—from concerns of Coronavirus to hundreds of flight cancellations due to inclement weather. While attendance was down significantly (close to 40%) as a result, I am happy to report

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Newsletter – February 2020

Our theme for 2020 that will be highlighted at ISE in Amsterdam next week is “Get Your Video Distribution Right the First Time.” This, of course, is easier said than done. We’ve heard it time and again—big companies make big promises and fall short, often leaving

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Newsletter – January 2020

Last month, ZeeVee had the honor of winning the SDVoE Members’ Choice Award in the project excellence category for our part in a new AV build for the Quadram Institute, a ground-breaking medical center based in Norwich, England. The project, installed

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Newsletter – December 2019

ZeeVee was one of the earliest proponents of AV distribution over IP, and now the overall industry has mustered together and turned in that direction as well. We see adoption accelerating in Europe, and Asia is starting to sprint forward as well.

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