Dear Loyal Customers and Distributors of ZeeVee Products:
On August 31, 2018 all manufacturers of products of any type who sell their wares in the state of California are required to comply with updated requirements of the legislation known as “California Proposition 65”.
The intent of this legislation is to provide notice of the presence in products of chemicals or substances identified by the state of California as potential carcinogens or substances that may have an effect on the reproduction of humans.
While well intentioned, the list of substances now has over 900 different identified substances listed, many with no minimum safe levels (MSL) defined. In order to be compliant, each vendor must identify by name, at least ONE of the substances that is presented to the initial user or installer of the product on a warning label.
Being electronic devices, ZeeVee products do contain some of the elements, the most prevalent (though in minuscule quantities) being Metallic Nickel, which is used as a plating aid to allow for the adhesion of gold to the pads on circuit boards.
Because this material is present in any quantity (there is no MSL enumerated in the legislation), we must bear a warning label in order to be compliant with the regulation. To actually expose oneself to that material would require a great deal of effort to get to it in the first place, but that is not distinguished in the legislation. The simple presence is enough to trigger the requirement for a warning label.
As such, any NEW products manufactured by ZeeVee on or after August 31, 2018 will leave the factory with a CA Prop 65 warning label.
Stephen Metzger
Vice President - Operations
ZeeVee, Inc.