Newsletter – December 2020

I read a quote somewhere that said, “I am staying up until midnight this New Year’s Eve—not to see 2021 come, but to see 2020 go.” While this draws a smile or a thoughtful nod from most, it is important to stay positive and remember what is important this holiday season.

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Newsletter – November 2020

The ZeeVee team spends a lot of time talking about our AVoIP signal distribution products as the number of sophisticated applications requiring the highest video resolution, interactivity and near zero latency seem to grow exponentially.

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ZeeVee Partners with The Siemon Company

ZeeVee, Inc. is partnering with The Siemon Company to provide pro AV and IT integrators with optimized AVoIP system components and cabling solutions to further improve the quality and performance of their installations.

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ZeeVee Enhanced SIGNAL Partner Program

ZeeVee’s Enhances SIGNAL Partner Program to Provide More Support and Value for VIP AV Integrators, Distributors and Consultants
Improved Interface and Registration Process, More Technical and Training Support and Formal MAP Policy Headline Key Upgrades

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Newsletter – October 2020

As we enter the fourth quarter of 2020, we at ZeeVee are eager to provide you with news of enhanced support, training and new product solutions to help us all as we strive for a strong finish to 2020.

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Newsletter – September 2020

As summer ends and a very different “vacation season” comes to a close, we at ZeeVee are taking stock of our global business as we strive for a strong finish to 2020. In this month’s letter, I offer you a tale of three continents, with sales perspectives from the U.K and Europe, Asia and the U.S.

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