April 2021 – ZeeVee Customer Service 101: Don’t Sell Boxes, Sell the Company

Once a customer’s requirements and budget for a new or upgraded AV system are defined, there are many considerations facing integrators as they decide which technology and components to incorporate. While the issue of price is ever present, and “cost-effective” options can seem particularly attractive, going with the lowest priced gear as the sole criteria can be perilous.

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March 2021 – Our Passion is AV distribution: It’s What We Do.

AV encoding and distribution over networks is what we do. From coax to IP, it’s our passion and where our deep technical expertise is focused. With 14 years of experience in RF modulation, and over six years in AVoIP and streaming, we address applications in just about every vertical, from hospitality, healthcare, enterprise and higher education to entertainment venues, retail, government and beyond.

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Newsletter – January 2021

As 2021 rolls in, we at ZeeVee wish all of you a happy and prosperous new year! Last year presented its set of unique challenges, which I certainly don’t need to reiterate here. The turn of a new year is a great time for introspection and an opportunity to strategize for the next one.

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